Here is my rough list of goals to accomplish... check back to see when I cross some stuff off!!! :)
Things To Do In 2010 - Vanessa's List
1. Marry Jason.
2. Take a weekend trip with just Jason.
3. Go camping at least three times.
4. Take each kid on a date once every three months.
5. Get our garage organized.
6. Buy a house.
7. Redecorate the kids’ bedrooms.
8. Organize my kitchen.
9. Take a road trip.
10. Organize my spoon collection.
11. Blog at least once a week.
12. Take a camera class.
13. Plan a KA party, AKA my wedding.
14. Do something charitable once a month.
15. Go to the dentist, twice.
16. Use my gym membership once a week.
17. Get my will in order.
18. Use my planner/calendar.
19. Stay on top of my school work.
20. Take the kids on a great vacation.
21. Visit the Grand Canyon.
22. Get a summer job.
23. Attend church at least twice a month.
24. Get in shape.
25. Have more patience with the kids.
26. Don’t eat any fast food.
27. Wash my car once a month.
28. Get my oil changed every three months.
29. Pay my car off.
30. Build my credit score.
31. Make a budget.
32. Keep my checkbook balanced.
33. Save one month’s salary.
34. Straighten my hair once a week.
35. Go on a date with Jason twice a month.
36. Have a movie/family night once a week.
37. Spend an hour of quality time with each kid once a week.
38. Get a pedicure with Rese once a month.
39. Get my eyebrows done once a month.
40. Run a 5K.
41. Run a 10K.
42. Have a hotel campout with the kids.
43. Go to an outdoor concert.
44. Go on a boat.
45. Organize our mail/paperwork.
46. Watch some fireworks.
47. Visit Galveston.
48. Do something special with my sister.
49. Write my grandma a letter/send pictures to my grandma once a month.
50. Spend time with my goddaughter once a week.
51. Have a Wii tournament.
52. Have a top 3 placing fantasy football team.
53. Fold the socks once a month.
54. Visit Taste of Addison.
55. Wear an amazing swimsuit.
56. Buy some Reebok shape up shoes.
57. Load up my iPod.
58. Use a personal trainer.
59. Start a workout/diet plan and stick with it.
60. Cook dinner 3 times a week.
61. Go to a wine tasting.
62. Visit a casino.
63. Go to the horse races.
64. Go to a drive in.
65. Attend a group exercise class with my sister at least once a month.
66. Get dressed up once a week.
67. Have a chore chart for the kids.
68. Pay the kids an allowance.
69. Mow the yard, once.
70. Clean my car out (on the outside) once a month.
71. Put money in the kids’ savings account.
72. Get my child support in order.
73. Work on catering/event planning business.
74. Get the house cleaned once a week by a “professional”.
75. Clean out the closets and donate clothes to charity.
76. Visit the Farmers Market.
77. Ride a DART bus or train.
78. Visit a museum.
79. Teach the kids Spanish.
80. Plant a garden.
81. Have a picnic.
82. Take the kids on an adventure.
83. Buy myself something nice.
84. Do something special for Jason’s birthday.
85. Get a PO Box for the business.
86. Get my Food Service Manager license.
87. Have holiday decorations for each holiday.
88. Buy a snazzy coat.
89. Buy a new TV.
90. Kiss the kids goodnight every night we are together.
91. Volunteer at the kids’ school.
92. Do a home improvement project with Jason.
93. Do a craft project with the kids.
94. Use my photo albums.
95. Try a new recipe once a week, and blog about it.
96. Work on my recipe book.
97. Stay in a nice hotel.
98. Tell the kids one thing they did well, every day.
99. Tell Jason one reason I love him, every day.
100. Get my class binders/lesson plans organized.
Low Key New Years Eve
15 years ago